ARMY MAJOR TURNED PROPERTY INVESTOR | Robbie Turner w Brett Campbell | TCBS 014

Robbie Turner made the leap from a commando in the Australian Army to a commando in property investment. 


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About Robbie Turner

Robbie Turner used his two decades of military experience to inform his current profession and passion as a property investment coach. Through Axon Property Group, Robbie and his team help other ex-defence force members use their ADF housing entitlements to set themselves up for life after service. 

About the Episode

In this episode Brett and Robbie discuss:

  • Robbie’s background and experience in the army
  • What it takes to become a leader
  • How Robbie discovered a niche in the property market
  • The commando approach to property investment
  • Adapting and why it’s so important

And so much more…

Connect with Robbie Turner:

Linkedin: Robbie Turner
Instagram: @axonproperty